Sugar beets extract significant amounts of phosphorus and potassium and are quite sensitive to deficiencies in magnesium, manganese, and boron. The application of NUTRIVANT Plus as a foliar feed has proven to be equivalent to deep local application, equally increasing both the yield and quality of sugar beet roots without reducing sugar content or increasing salt concentration that complicates sugar extraction. The use of NUTRIVANT Plus has a pronounced biostimulatory effect, preventing the development of many dangerous fungal diseases. It is recommended to conduct at least three treatments of sugar beet plantations with NUTRIVANT Plus. The first feeding should be done from the beginning of the formation of the 4th leaf to the beginning of the formation of the 6th leaf. Fertilizer application during this period can be combined with herbicide use, reducing their stress impact. The second feeding is recommended starting from the 8-leaf stage until 50% row closure of the beets. The third feeding should be conducted starting from the phase when 50% row closure occurs.